Oct 3, 2012

The First-Ever CA Nonprofit Tech Fest was #Bananas

We had a fabulous time with the many amazing folks who attended the First-Ever California Nonprofit Technology Festival in Fresno, California generously funded by the California Consumer Protection Foundation.

From online mapping to email newsletters to building a simple website, we focused on crowd-requested topics and created real time breakout sessions where people could get their questions answered as well as connect with others.

Check out the photos of what really went down!

We were ecstatic by the brilliance and leadership of the participants! Over 50 community and nonprofit organizations joined together from all over the state to really break down how tech works and doesn’t work to support social justice work in California. People traveled from San Diego, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Merced, Modesto, Fresno, Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, and many more!

Find some of the good peoples on the #CATechFest Twitter List, including some of our community partners:

Shout Outs

Huge, and we mean HUGE, thanks to our co-organizing partners The Center for Multicultural Cooperation and The Bay Area Leadership Network of Color. CMC took awesome photos and videos, lead sessions on digital storytelling and video production, and were overall amazing to be around with their team of leaders! Check out our other community partners: Sage Transformations, Artspark, Community Water Center, and Dr. Pop

With the rolling agenda style, many participants stepped up to share knowledge and lead sessions in real time: JC from Greenlining, Hai from Live Real, Jasmine from FBU, Grant from Wordpress-land, Ernesto from CMC, Selgie from CWC, Arnold from BALNC,Lori from healthycitys.org, Rosemarie on Mapping, Alberto from BHC Sacramento, Mike from Allied Media, Alicia from BHC Fresno, Kinkini from SAGE, Joseph from RICV, John from CMC, Kristine from ArtSpark, Paul from Man on a Mission, and Camille for sharing her story from her time in Africa. (If I missed anyone who led a session, let me know;)

In order to make this event happen, we had some really cool people who did major outreach! Big shout out to Mike Rubio at Zero Divide, Ue Yang + staff at CMC and to the 9 Building Healthy Community Hubs who recruited a staff or youth to attend! BHC staff really brought the love with Augie and Alicia from Fresno, Trini and Ivan from Coachella, Melissa from Merced, Katherine from Richmond, Alberto and Bobby from Sacramento, Ana and Michelle from Long Beach, David from Boyle Heights, Cadonna from South LA, and Adam from City Heights.

On Friday morning, we even had the opportunity to join Mozilla’s Summer Code Party #Mozparty with a webmaker event. We had 10 sessions of maker sessions where individuals could jump on the computer and get to work.

For more, check out the Event Wiki.

We are eternally grateful for the knowledge and respect everyone brought to our tech circle of support and cannot wait till next year to party with you all again! ;)

Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. Our organization would not be the same without the open approach that Aspiration and Gunner model so well, and their ongoing coaching and support as our programs evolve. Thanks!

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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