Aspiration Online Indentity Webinars

Online Identity

Online Identity

Another Cloud is Possible

Cloud computing has fundamentally changed the way not-for-profits approach software and data storage strategies, and continues to disrupt technology norms while rewriting the possible for both individuals and organizations.

This webinar will invite participants to reflect on the philosophical, political and technological implications of different cloud strategies, and will consider ways in which to conceptualize cloud adoption for not-for-profits and social justice activists. It will also explore the ever-evolving issues of privacy and anonymity in the cloud as they relate to the needs of social change activists and the organizations that support them. You will leave the session with new frameworks for considering cloud strategies and other bold new hosting frontiers.

Taking Control of Your Online Identity

The advent of the internet and the emergence of “cloud” computing have slowly but surely created new categories of institutional vulnerabilities for nonprofit organizations over the past 15 years. From ownership of domains and hosting of web sites, to safeguarding remotely stored data, to managing virtual relationships, there exist best practices for security and sustainability that are understood by far too few nonprofits.

This webinar will provide an overview of considerations in managing organizational online identity, and demonstrate processes, best practices and rules of thumb for effectively safeguarding and protecting the virtual side of your nonprofit organization.

These materials are distributed under a Creative Commons license, and we encourage re-use, modification, and re-distribution in any situation where they may be useful.

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There is no other place like Dev Summit. You have incubated a community that delivers so much goodness it’s remarkable. Thank you so much for stewarding this community and giving people like me a space to contribute and listen within it.

Ryan Ozimek, Soapbox Engage
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