Aspiration Tracking Impact Webinars

Tracking Impact

Tracking Impact

Building a Listening Dashboard

Can you track, in a quick glance, what is happening in the issues and with the people that you are trying to connect with online?

Many nonprofits put most of their effort in online communications into putting messages out. Whether through their website, email, or social media they are trying to be part of the conversation online. This webinar explains how to build and use listening dashboard to track, in a quick glance, what is happening in the issues and with the people that you are trying to connect with online.

Through this dashboard users can track the impact of their online communication efforts (websites, blogs, Twitter, and more), while also tracking issues pertinent to their organization, all from a single free online space.

Intro to Online Analytics

This online seminar introduces partcipants to different “analytics” or metrics around the tools they use for grassroots nonprofits' online communications. From a web site to a Twitter tweet, there are ways to track your nonprofits' efforts toward your measurable goals around communications. We explore the numbers and graphs side to the world of online communications for nonprofits.

These materials are distributed under a Creative Commons license, and we encourage re-use, modification, and re-distribution in any situation where they may be useful.

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"Thank you for bringing together these incredible people, modelling a welcoming stance, and empowering us to develop real relationships!"

Participant, Dev Summit
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