Software Project Support

Aspiration offers a range of support services that help create and sustain useful software for civil society. We provide consulting, mentoring, and infrastructure support for civil society software projects with an aim toward building the capacity of developers and project leads. Focused on areas that small software projects typically struggle with, our services include:

  • Collaborative systems design to support community-based development
  • Partnership development
  • Mentoring for project and product managers
  • Fiscal sponsorship of projects
  • Business planning
  • Marketing and outreach support including collaborative marketing opportunities at events
  • Support for developers and project managers to attend events we host; support for code sprints; mentoring opportunities, and access to specific subject experts.

Please contact us at if you are interested in our consulting services.

Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. Our organization would not be the same without the open approach that Aspiration and Gunner model so well, and their ongoing coaching and support as our programs evolve. Thanks!

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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