May 9, 2012

California WIC 2012 Spring Conference

What a beautiful time Misty and I had in Palm Springs at the end of April! We were there to run the Technology Pre-Conference track at the 20th annual California WIC Association’s Annual Spring Conference and Trade Show on April 29!


During this interactive day facilitated by Misty, we heard from WIC program staff from around California about the current state of their social media and online communications and helped them strategize believable, future communications plans with the Publishing Matrix.

We also heard from Barbara Longo and Claudia Desmangles from the California Department of Public Health about findings from WIC participants in their Electronic Technology Project.

Participants using technology

After a lunch break to take in the gorgeous surroundings, we divided up into smaller groups for more in depth conversations. Margaret from CALWIC led a discussion about Online Campaigns, Claudia from WIC led a deeper dive into the WIC and Social Media study findings, Brent Walker from Fresno EOC WIC lead a discussion about texting to WIC participants and I lead an intro session about Social Media.

Aspiration Technology Pre-Conference materials can be found here.

Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. From facilitating at events like MozFest, we learned about inclusive, engaging, collaborative event design that has shaped our own event SRCCON and influenced the community we serve in journalism.

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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