May 27, 2011

Central Valley Office Hours

As we move forward with trainings in the Central Valley, I want to continue to keep open communication with organizations we met with in the Valley. There are many follow-up questions and comments that come out of the trainings for organizations that are actively trying to build their online communications.

In trying to find the best way to support individual organizations and provide the greater community with answers, we are thinking about trying some new ways to keep people involved in a virtual space.

Call-In Office Hours:

Would you be interested in office hours for online communication questions with Aspiration? The plan would be to dedicate time during the week on a free conference line or live chat where orgs can call in and ask us or each other about any specific questions. We are open to questions and email anytime, but I want to make it more official.

Some lingering question examples that may work for call-in office hours:

  • Where can I set up email newsletter services?
  • What is a twitter list?
  • Is there a template for organizing online communications?

The set up may include sending a free conference line number to organizations in the Valley and designating a 2 hour block during the week for open questions.

Would you be interested in Aspiration virtual "office hours" over the phone or email chat?



"Thank you for bringing together these incredible people, modelling a welcoming stance, and empowering us to develop real relationships!"

Participant, Dev Summit
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