Aug 30, 2011

Central Valley Call-In Office Hours Sept 8th from 1-3pm!

Thank you for the feedback from the 1st Central Valley Office Hours! We are having another Call-in Office Hours on Thursday September 8, 2011 from 1pm-3pm to give you an informal, casual way to get your questions answered about online communications at your nonprofit. Here’s the call information:

Central Valley Capacity Building Office Hours

We will be on the line answering ad hoc online communications questions for people in the Central Valley. The following phone number will be used to join the call. Feel free to drop in or out at anytime.

Thursday, September 8

Phone Number: 1-(605)-715-4920
Access Code: 223-0433

Also, you may email us your questions.

We will continue to let you know about future calls and training opportunities. Thank you to CCPF for making this all possible.

Look forward to talking with you on Thursday Sept. 8 from 1-3 pm!


Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. Our organization would not be the same without the open approach that Aspiration and Gunner model so well, and their ongoing coaching and support as our programs evolve. Thanks!

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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