May 9, 2012

TCE Building Healthy Communities in LA

In February, Matt, Misty and Jessica traveled to Los Angeles to meet the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) Hub media coordinators for a 2 day convening. BHC is a 10 yr initiative from The California Endowment (TCE) to improve the health of 14 communities across California. In 2011-2012, Zerodivide and Aspiration partnered to provide statewide technology capacity building support to the BHC communities. The convening was a great way to spend time with ZeroDivide to get to know the BHC Media Coordinators before we kicked off our tech support!

BHC Media Coordinators Group Shot

During the first day, we became more familiar with the 14 BHC communities. It especially gave us a chance to better understand the strengths, challenges, and most recent successes of each community. The conversations gave us insight into the particular tech and communications issues being tackled. To this end, we shared with the media coordinators a way to coordinate their online commmunications channels using a Publishing Matrix.

Download the Publishing Matrix training materials here.

Boyle Heights Proyecto Jardin

During the second day, we traveled together to take a tour of two local BHC Communities, South LA and Boyle Heights. It is always enjoyable to relive our adolescent days by climbimg onto a bus with other adults and witnessing first hand the great work taking place in schools and communities.

Thank you so much to the media coordinators who made us feel welcome while we shared in the convening! We look forward to providing technology support to you and the work of your community!

"Politicized tech geek magic."

Community Member, Aspiration
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