Jul 27, 2015

CA Tech Leadership Summit Agenda

The following is the working agenda for the California Nonprofit Technology Leadership Summit on July 30 - 31, 2015 near Bakersfield, California.

  • The agenda is designed with a combination of planned sessions and participant-driven discussions, and is likely to evolve through the course of the event.

  • The sessions will be highly interactive. There will not be any presentations or panels, but instead a range of collaborative and focused dialogs.

  • The goal is to enable peer learning, address participant needs and questions, and surface both the tacit and active knowledge of this group of practitioners. Bring your stories, your ideas, your questions, and your knowledge to share!

CA Tech Leadership Summit | July 30 - 31, 2015

The CA Tech Summit is an immersive experience to strengthen the network of leaders in rural and urban areas who are passionate about social justice and technology.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Travel Day

6:30 - Out-of-town participants start to arrive

Optional dinner available for arriving attendees at the venue.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

8:30 - Coffee and light breakfast

9:00 - Welcome and Opening Circle

The event will start with introductions and welcomes, an overview of the agenda and guidelines, and announcements.

9:30 - Interactive Plenary

Participants will engage in an interactive and collaborative discussion. Outcomes will inform sessions and topics of discussion for the rest of the day.

10:30 - Break

10:45 - Agenda Framing discussions

Working in small and large group formats, participants will discuss "big picture" issues relating to technology and social justice in California. From there, they will brainstorm specific topics to be revisited in subsequent working sessions as well as in post-event efforts. The goal of the session will be to generate a visualization of the state of the field, and enable participants to weigh on which topics are most promising for focus and further discussion during the remainder of the event.

12:30 - Lunch

Participants will be encouraged to sit with friends they have not yet met!

1:30 – Interactive Project Showcase Session

Participants will present and share work they are doing in their various regions and fields.

2:30 – Break

2:45 – Collaborative Breakout Sessions

Participants will choose from 5-7 session topics, and will be welcome to suggest or request additional sessions.

4:15 – Closing Circle

5:00 - Adjourn Day 1

Participants are welcome to stay after and ask additional questions.

6:00 – Post-Event Hang Out at the National Chavez Center

Dinner and drinks available at the venue.

Friday, July 31, 2015

8:30 - Coffee and light breakfast

9:00 - Opening Circle

9:30 - Peer Skill-Sharing Sessions

Participants will have an opportunity to share or learn tactical technology and campaigning skills in small group format.

10:30 - Break

10:45 – Collaborative Breakout Sessions

Participants will choose from 5-7 working groups, and will be welcome to suggest or request additional sessions.

12:30 - Lunch

1:30 – Collaborative Breakout Sessions

Participants will choose from 5-7 session topics, and will be welcome to suggest or request additional sessions.

2:30 - Break

2:45– Where From Here

The group will pause to take stock of the progress made to this point and to inventory action items, next steps, and other bridges to post-event collaborations.

3:15 – Closing Circle and Appreciations

4:00 - Adjourn

Aspiration will provide transit to the train or bus for Friday night departures.

Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. Their guidance and feedback have shaped everything from how support relationship building amongst cohorts to planning goal-oriented meetings where participants leave with a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of purpose.

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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