Strategic Tech Teach-In Schedule


The following is the schedule for the Strategic Tech Teach-In on March 26th in Oakland, California. We will work with registered participants in the weeks leading up to the map event to map sessions from the Session List into the breakout session time slots listed below.

8:30 - Coffee and light breakfast

9:00 - Opening Circle

The event will start with introductions and welcomes, an overview of the agenda and guidelines, and announcements.

09:30 - Interactive Plenary

Participants will engage in interactive and collaborative discussion on the role of technology in nonprofit and social change efforts. Outcomes from this discussion will inform sessions and topics of discussion for the rest of the day.

10:30 - Break

10:45 – Breakout Sessions I

Participants will choose from 5-7 session topics drawn from the Session List , and will be welcome to suggest or request additional sessions.

12:15 - Lunch

Participants will be encouraged to sit with friends they have not yet met!

1:15 – Breakout Sessions II

Participants will choose from 5-7 session topics drawn from the Session List , and will be welcome to suggest or request additional sessions.

2:30 - Break

2:45 – Breakout Sessions III

Participants will choose from 5-7 session topics drawn from the Session List , and will be welcome to suggest or request additional sessions.

4:15 – Closing Circle

5:00 – Post-Event Beverages

Get more event details here.

Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. From facilitating at events like MozFest, we learned about inclusive, engaging, collaborative event design that has shaped our own event SRCCON and influenced the community we serve in journalism.

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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