January 14th, 2011 2pm-4pm As options for online engagement proliferate, many nonprofits find it confusing to manage and effectively coordinate organizational messages and campaigns. This training gave nonprofits who are starting out in social media and online communications a framework in which to look at different communications channels as effective for organizational goals. In this hands-on workshop, participants put together actual tools that they can use as an organization to inform and structure processes surrounding how, when and why to use the mind-numbing plethora of social media outlets, blogs and communications channels. This training also gave participants a structure in which to think of these channels so that it is no longer a huge array of strangely-named tools to learn. Rather, a selection of tools for an organization to choose from to achieve broader organizational goals.
The following are the materials used during the training. These materials are distributed under a Creative Commons license, and we encourage re-use, modification, and re-distribution in any situation where they may be useful