RFP Round Table

Past Event
Feb 8, 2011

February 8th, 2011 2pm-4pm The "Request for Proposal", or RFP, is a critical element of any well-executed technology project that involves soliciting the services of external vendors and solution providers. But the concept of RFPs can be daunting to those who have not authored one, and even for those who understand the importance, many nonprofits are confused about how to write one, and what to include. This interactive workshop will invite participants to share their knowledge and organizational practices with RFPs, and hear how others manage the same. In addition, Aspiration will demonstrate the templates and processes we use for the "RFP Coaching" that we provide to nonprofits when they need to solicit bids for web sites or other technology projects. Come with your stories and your questions, and be prepared to share both!

"I have my mind blown by all the extremely passionate, smart, and generous people I met!"

Participant, Aspiration event
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