Mar 23, 2012

Clouds in San Antonio, both literal and virtual

I landed in the midst of a regional tornado warning for the 2012 Grants Managers Network Conference, where we were grateful to be invited by our friends at Mitchell Kapor Foundation to share Aspiration’s take on how Foundations think about using the so-called cloud in a session titled What Cloud Computing Can Do For You and Your Grantees.

The slides don’t fully reflect the concerns that were discussed in the session. Great questions led to back-and-forth about appropriate levels of distrust for corporate cloud storage and ulterior motives of for-profit entities providing free and cheap cloud offerings to 501c3 organizations.

A huge thanks to Tiffany Price at Kapor and the whole GMN Conference team for inviting us to be a part of the fun!

Have a look at the slideware and let me know what you think!

"It was my first Dev Summit, so I had no idea what to expect, but it was so worth it and I'm extremely happy I came."

Participant, Dev Summit
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