AdvocacyDev II Concluded Today in Oakland, California

AdvocacyDev II concluded toay in Oakland, California. Developers, activists, and nonprofit/NGO staff from Southeast Asia, the United States, and Canada creating and using open source eAdocacy applications came together to strategize, map, and socialize about this emerging field of tools. The discussions about online organizing and engagement were incredible! Thank you to all who made this convergence fabulous. The wiki documenting proceedings is at, pictures are here. We also are happy that our friends in the community have (guest) blogging and audio-blogging AdvocacyDevII (thank you, Tim and Brian!) and welcome you to check it out! Good people doing great work towards a better world -- what could be more gratifying. Thank you all.

"I have my mind blown by all the extremely passionate, smart, and generous people I met!"

Participant, Aspiration event
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