Nonprofit Services

Online Identity and Data Sustainability

Platforms and tools get most of the attention in nonprofit technology discussions, but there are two more conceptual aspects of technology practice that simply don't get enough love: managing online identity and overseeing organizational data.

We help organizations set up, assess and maintain their presence online. In addition we teach best practices around data security, online branding, and hosting. Services we offer at present include:

  • Online identity review, going over best practice checklists to make sure each organization is properly set up for the long run
  • Organizational account and data inventory, mapping and tracking all the online and offline locations nonprofits are storing and managing mission-critical information

As part of this practice area, we also welcome dialog and co-work on topics that include:

  • How to establish and maintain your online brand
  • When—and when not—to trust “The Cloud” with your data
  • Managing your universe of organizational data
  • Better securing your online accounts
  • Privacy facts you may not know, and how they can impact your work
  • Managing constituent data: The Dream vs. The Reality

We are always delighted to teach relevant hands-on skills that include:

  • How to register a domain the right way, demonstrating best practices for registrars, contact information, configuration, hosting and maintenance
  • Establishing sustainable hosting, to support core aspects of online presence
  • Data inventory walk-through, building a map of organizational data and discussing how to manage and safeguard digital knowledge and assets
  • Social media real estate curation, teaching best practices and processes for configuring and managing accounts and pages on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other channels

Our work in online identity and data is still in the research and development phase, and we welcome requests, inquiries and dialog.

"This event and these people give a hope that good things can happen."

Participant, Dev Summit
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