My experience/advice

heather's picture

Nonprofit Operations Manual Template

Today we tried to have a Nonprofit Ops brown bag lunch about creating an Nonprofit Operations Manual but no one showed up. I'm not sure if it is because this isn't an interesting topic or my poor advertising. Oh well--I did have quite a few people e-mail me and tell me they couldn't make it to the discussion and asked me to send them an Operations Manual template.

heather's picture

Event Planning for Nonprofits

Another question that came up during my presentation at Craigslist boot camp was, "How do I find those event planning templates that you talk about during your 10 Nonprofit Operations Success Steps?" Well here they are...

There is no other place like Dev Summit. You have incubated a community that delivers so much goodness it’s remarkable. Thank you so much for stewarding this community and giving people like me a space to contribute and listen within it.

Ryan Ozimek, Soapbox Engage
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