Join us for a no-cost training on building effective online communications for nonprofits and social justice organizations. This training will be an interactive session to help you build out your online strategy efforts.
Do you know where you are being mentioned online? As the number of valuable eAdvocacy channels grows, tools are needed for tracking how and where a campaign or organization is being mentioned on web sites, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere. This session will explain how to create such a tool, enumerate what free and low-cost tools are available, and describe best practices for getting the most value out of such tactical resources.
Wednesday, October, 12th
2:00 - 4:00pm
San Francisco Non-Profit Tech Center
1370 Mission St.
4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
The training is small and no experience is necessary. Registration is free, but space is limited so reserve your spot today! Laptops are not required, but you may bring one for the Social Media Dashboard session. We can provide laptops at the training too.