Aspiration eAdvocacy and Social Media Training Offerings

Aspiration offer a range of strategic eAdvocacy trainings,

Our trainings are not set up like normal classes so there isn't a long-term schedule and we don't have students who sign up for a set of classes. Rather, we have individual trainings that we hold periodically at the San Francisco Nonprofit Technology Center that nonprofit staffers sign up for one at a time.

You can find out about upcoming trainings by watching the website or signing up for the email newsletter.

The classes are designed for beginners who feel comfortable using a computer, online tools like web-based email and desktop tools like Microsoft Word or Excel. Trainings are for staff, volunteers and stakeholders at nonprofit or social justice organizations.

Trainings have been delivered to over 50 nonprofits in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento and San Francisco to very positive response.

Topics covered in eCampaigning Best Practices and Emerging Tactics include:

  • Creating Passionate Online Activists
  • eCampaigning Roadmap
  • Best Practices for eCampaigning
  • ”Web 2.0” Tools and Tactics

Topics covered in Email For Advocacy and Community Organizing include:

  • Overview of email campaigns: Defining goals and mapping strategies
  • Summary of email campaign process
  • Survey of tools used in email advocacy
  • How to write effective email campaign messages
  • Measuring impact: tracking open rates and responses
  • How to manage and sustain email lists
  • Best practices for privacy, security, and avoiding “spammer” status.


Topics covered in Web Sites For Advocacy and Community Organizing: Basics, Essentials, and Best Practices include

  • Web Advocacy Overview: What is it?
  • Defining online advocacy goals and mapping strategies to tools
  • Anatomy of an eAdvocacy Web Site
  • Raising money on your Web Site
  • Best practices for "press rooms" and media outreach
  • How to sustain effective organizational, campaign and program Web pages
  • Measuring impact: assessing Web traffic and trends
  • Best practices for privacy and security of Web Site visitors
  • Blogging basics
  • Overview of emerging technologies including cell phone text messaging, "Voice over IP" (VOIP), and Geographic Information Systems.
  • Survey of tools and services used in Web advocacy, organizing, and activism


All materials are distributed under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5.

We welcome comments, suggestions and any other feedback. Please address all correspondence to

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