eAdvocacy and Social Media Training Materials

Over the past 6 years, Aspiration has been developing a set of training materials to help organizations apply sustainable best practices when advocating, organizing and communicating online.

Aspiration distributes all our training materials under a Creative Commons license, and we encourage re-use, modification, and re-distribution in any situation where they may be useful.

The materials are linked below, grouped by the associated courses.

High Impact eAdvocacy and Social Media

These materials teach essential processes and strategies for getting the most out of various online channels. These processes include Audience Assessment, Publishing Matrix, Message Calendaring, and Social Media “Dashboarding”. The training presents these processes in the context of overall model for high-impact online advocacy and social media engagement.

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eCampaigning Best Practices and Emerging Tactics

These materials are designed for campaigners and organizers who have worked on one or more online campaigns. The training highlights the importance of relationship building in online efforts, and the equally essential aspects of following well-defined processes within and across campaigns.

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Email For Advocacy and Community Organizing: Basics, Essentials, and Best Practices

These materials are targeted at individuals who understand simple email communications (send & receive), and activists who have little or no email campaigning experience. Learning goals include understanding of fundamental concepts in email campaigning, online strategy, technology, and processes, as well as hands-on exposure to simple email campaigning workflow, and understanding of email composition best practices.

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Web Sites For Advocacy and Community Organizing: Basics, Essentials, and Best Practices

These materials are targeted at persons in nonprofit organizations who have primary responsibility for their web site content and direction. While there is some technical material, the primary focus is on strategic use of web sites and best practices for web campaigning. The material is modeled to be most relevant to grassroots organizations working in underserved communities.

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"I have my mind blown by all the extremely passionate, smart, and generous people I met!"

Participant, Aspiration event
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