Apr 16, 2012

NeighborWorks Nonprofit Managers Workshop

We had a great time with NeighborWorks America on April 18, 2012. They invited us to facilitate a training session for 35 nonprofit managers to explore their social media presence.

The goals of the training include:

  • Provide an introduction to social media tools and their appropriate uses
  • Explore the importance of social media in reaching online audiences
  • Expose participants to sample social media policies
  • Demonstrate a process framework for planning and coordinating social media and maintaining online presence
  • Increase participants’ knowledge of and confidence in their ability to integrate internet tools and new media technology into their existing programmatic work

The following are materials for the training:

Introduction To Social Media for Nonprofits

Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy Resources

Coordinating Your Organization’s Cnline Channels

Social Media Resources

These materials are distributed under a Creative Commons license, and we encourage re-use, modification, and re-distribution in any situation where they may be useful.

Join the California eAdvocacy Discuss List; an email list for those doing online advocacy. A space to collaborate, ask questions, discuss online strategy and connect with others.

Do you have a question in applying these learnings? Email info@aspirationtech.org and we’d be happy to help.

"Total but cohesive anarchy."

Participant, Dev Summit
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