May 21, 2012

June 2012 Webinars with Gunner

Gunner will be leading two webinars in June around nonprofit operations, security and privacy. Join us for the following webinars:

Taking Control of Your Online Identity

June 26th, 2012
11am - 12pm Pacific Time

New platforms and channels come online every day, promising to help not-for-profits to better magnify their message and engage their target audiences. But it is challenging to maintain a coherent set of tools, services, and accounts that support organisational needs while also focusing on mission and sustaining compelling messaging. This webinar will explain concrete methods for managing and sustaining online presence and vitality, with a focus on processes that outlive the tools they aim to support.

Another Cloud is Possible

June 19th, 2012
11am - 12pm Pacific Time

Cloud computing has fundamentally changed the way not-for-profits approach software and data storage strategies, and continues to disrupt technology norms while rewriting the possible for both individuals and organizations.

This webinar will invite participants to reflect on the philosophical, political and technological implications of different cloud strategies, and will consider ways in which to conceptualize cloud adoption for not-for-profits and social justice activists. It will also explore the ever-evolving issues of privacy and anonymity in the cloud as they relate to the needs of social change activists and the organizations that support them. You will leave the webinar with new frameworks for considering cloud strategies and other bold new hosting frontiers.

Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. Their guidance and feedback have shaped everything from how support relationship building amongst cohorts to planning goal-oriented meetings where participants leave with a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of purpose.

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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