Aspiration offers a range of options for organizations interested in increasing their capacity around using technology.
Hands-on training, technical assistance, and guidance in strategy and implementation are provided by our experienced Aspiration program staff. Call +1.415.839.6456 or email for more information.
We are also available to give free advice. Check out our other free services to take advantage of all we have to offer.
In addition to our regularly scheduled set of trainings, we are available to provide customized trainings tailored to fit the specific needs of your organization. Email or call us anytime to discuss how an enhanced offering might work for your group or network
Aspiration trainings are flexible and can be designed to meet your specific needs. We can provide training content in a variety of in person and online formats.
We welcome suggestions for topics and collaborators for any of our training events. To suggest a topic or a speaker please send us an email.