RFP Coaching and Training

Over the past 5 years, we have worked with dozens of nonprofits and foundations on researching, specifying, and delivering a range of technology solutions, from basic web sites to larger software applications.

A critical component of any nonprofit technology project requiring the services of an implementation partner is the generation of a complete and accurate Request for Proposal (RFP) document that specifies exactly what the needed solution should do and support, and how the nonprofit desires to engage the implementor.

Over time, we have developed an "RFP Coaching Model", where we work with organizations needing to specify and acquire new technology to build their capacity for planning and managing the same.

The dual goals of this process are to minimize cost while obtaining the most appropriate and sustainable solution within the available resource constraints.

Steps in the Aspiration RFP Coaching Process include:

  • Formalizing project goals, both for the implementing organization and target users of the technology;
  • Identifying and prioritizing user profiles for the required solution;
  • Recruiting and engaging a cohort of target users to participate through the full course of the development process;
  • Developing a communications strategy to engage stakeholders during the delivery cycle;
  • Authoring simple "user stories" which describe how different types of users interact with the system to obtain benefit;
  • Vetting and prioritizing user stories based on feedback from a broad array of stakeholders;
  • Generating a suitable RFP and distributing it to appropriate channels;
  • Reviewing submitted proposals and selecting an implementation partner;
  • Advising on implementation, testing, launch, and any required support.

We are always looking for new and challenging opportunities in which to apply our RFP coaching services.

Aspiration offers these coaching services both pro bono and on a sliding scale, depending on the specific nature of the project and the size and resources of the implementing organization as well as other need factors.

There is no other place like Dev Summit. You have incubated a community that delivers so much goodness it’s remarkable. Thank you so much for stewarding this community and giving people like me a space to contribute and listen within it.

Ryan Ozimek, Soapbox Engage
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