Aspiration's Workflow Inventory Template

The Aspiration Workflow Inventory Template is provided to support enumeration of tasks that nonprofit and foundation staff members repeat in their ongoing duties. This is done with an eye toward improving the way that technology supports organizational processes and operations.

The workflow inventory is usually performed for multiple reasons:

  • To scope and define requirements when new technology is being acquired and implemented;
  • To enumerate and clarify recurring tasks that organization staff perform;
  • To assess the degree to which each workflow is properly supported by associated software tools;
  • To drive discussion about improving and better supporting any and all of the above.

Two documents are provided to support this process:

The associated template includes a couple of examples, one which is silly and one which is closer to real. Users should delete those before filling in actual workflows.

This workflow inventory model is a work in progress for Aspiration, and we welcome feedback, questions, and suggestions on the template and the overall process.

Gunner and the Aspiration team have been an incredible inspiration and resource for us at OpenNews. From facilitating at events like MozFest, we learned about inclusive, engaging, collaborative event design that has shaped our own event SRCCON and influenced the community we serve in journalism.

Erika Owens, OpenNews
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