Aspiration Blog

Aspiration helps nonprofits and foundations use software tools more effectively and sustainably. We serve as ally, coach, strategist, mentor and facilitator to those trying to make more impactful use of information technology in their social change efforts.

Sep 2, 2024

The Leadership We Want to Foster

In 2023, we launched the Policy Leadership Initiative to advance equitable digital policy by elevating underrepresented voices in policy-making arenas. We aimed to do this by supporting, educating, and empowering diverse leadership by offering opportunities to develop essential policy skills and strategies.

As a fresh EU mandate manifests, and elections continue to take place around the world, fostering policy leadership has never felt more important.

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Building Online Communications in Grassroots Nonprofits

We're returning to Fresno, CA on June 23 from 12:30 to 4:30 pm with a no-cost training on building effective online communications for nonprofits and social justice organizations. Based on feedback from Central Valley participants, this training will include two interactive sessions to help you build out your online strategy efforts.

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Effective Online Advocacy for Grassroots Organizations

July 7th-8th, 2011

Aspiration will offer a two-day training designed to help nonprofit organizations make more effective, sustainable use of online technologies.

The trainings are targeted at grassroots nonprofit organizations focused on social change and community health issues across the state of California.

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Activist Tech Teach-In

Learn how use online tools in sustainable ways to support social change

Are you a social justice activist or campaigning organization wanting to make more effective use of tech and the internet?

The Ruckus Society and Aspiration are hosting a free, all-day teach-in to show activists how to use technology on their own terms, in ways that mobilize stakeholders and increase impact.

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Central Valley Office Hours

As we move forward with trainings in the Central Valley, I want to continue to keep open communication with organizations we met with in the Valley. There are many follow-up questions and comments that come out of the trainings for organizations that are actively trying to build their online communications.

In trying to find the best way to support individual organizations and provide the greater community with answers, we are thinking about trying some new ways to keep people involved in a virtual space.

Call-In Office Hours:

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