Aspiration Blog

Aspiration helps nonprofits and foundations use software tools more effectively and sustainably. We serve as ally, coach, strategist, mentor and facilitator to those trying to make more impactful use of information technology in their social change efforts.

Sep 2, 2024

The Leadership We Want to Foster

In 2023, we launched the Policy Leadership Initiative to advance equitable digital policy by elevating underrepresented voices in policy-making arenas. We aimed to do this by supporting, educating, and empowering diverse leadership by offering opportunities to develop essential policy skills and strategies.

As a fresh EU mandate manifests, and elections continue to take place around the world, fostering policy leadership has never felt more important.

jessica's picture

Webinars Suck...

…but, with a little effort, they can suck less.

The Webinar tool has been a viable tool for presenting to large groups for years, however, for many it is still a new frontier in the presentation realm. The verdict is still out about whether or not the telecommuting convenience makes webinars a better option than the in-person alternative.

However, I believe that webinars are often better than conference calls when presentation is the main purpose.

Positives and negatives of webinars…

The Upside

jessica's picture

Two Inspired Women have Found Themselves at Aspiration

Welcome Uno and Jessica

Jessica Steimer and Uno Nam are the newest members of the team here at Aspiration. As AmeriCorps VISTAs, it is their job to spend one year working on capacity building for NPOs with the ultimate goal of helping to reduce poverty. The program under which they are working, called HandsOn Tech, is sponsored by the Points of Light Institute based in Atlanta and incorporates 24 VISTAs in seven cities, all with the shared focus of using technology to make organizations more efficient and more effective in supporting their mission. Each will work with eleven non profits over the course of a year, providing workshops, assessment, and on-site support.

Let us introduce ourselves!

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