Responsible Data Forum Resource Sprint

Past Event
September 30 - October 01, 2014
Budapest, Hungary

We co-organized the Responsible Data Forum with the engine room on Sept 30 - Oct 1 2014 in Budapest. The Responsible Resource Sprint built upon the work that started in Oakland in March 2014.

Thank you to all who participated.

Responsible Resource Sprint Info and Reg

"This event brought international thinkers and doers together with people from the front-lines of data-driven advocacy, to work towards useful and useable resources for meeting responsible data challenges. Reviewing and building everything that we had learned so far, this event aimed to refine the tools and strategies already being developed, identify gaps, and continue building alliances across countries and sectors. Sessions throughout the 2-day resource sprint focused on bringing an end-user perspective to responsible data strategies."

"Total but cohesive anarchy."

Participant, Dev Summit
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