Nonprofit Software Development Summit

The Nonprofit Software Development Summit is our annual gathering of Aspiration's community, bringing together people from all over the world who are passionate about using and developing digital tools and practices in support of social, racial and climate justice.

NpDev agenda and session creation

The event is designed for everyone from grassroots activists to software developers to share knowledge, discover new allies, and collectively envision the future of free and open technology to support positive social change. Now passing its 20th year, we are humbled by the many circles of passionate activists, humble techies, visionary leaders and grassroots communities that have convened for the Dev Summit.

Every year, the Dev Summit gathers a different group of people facing unique challenges in their communities of practice. The agenda is created before and during the event with input from participants, so that the topics, challenges, and passions of people in the room are reflected in the proceedings. Panels and slideware are in short supply as with any Aspiration event, supplanted by participant-driven collaborations and small-group formats.

The Dev Summit's primary goals are to grow connections and capacity between people in the nonprofit technology ecosystem, and to welcome frontline leaders and movement activists into dialogue with digital practitioners in order to realize appropriate technology and accountable digital practices that operate in service to the needs of communities and causes around the world.

Now and then...

"This event and these people give a hope that good things can happen."

Participant, Dev Summit
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