Feb 21, 2007

Integration Discussion Off to a Flying Start

This afternoon's session on integrating nonprofit software tools started off this continuing theme with some real life stories of the types of integration organizations are doing ( read the notes on the event wiki It was a really useful and eye opening session for me - I didn't realize how many different models there are for programmatic integration. The examples covered using Salesforce's API to add and edit records based on Plone transactions, integrating using a middleware layer that could map various external tools so that they could all be accessed in the same way, integrating using a complex OpenID model, and an intriguing model that involved a "deliverance" layer that was in charge of taking the information from a number of systems, including a CMS, and pulling it together into a common web interface. And no doubt there's a lot more models that just didn't happen to come up. Anyone up to try to create an overview of some of the most common integration technical architectures?

"Where the why meets the how. Where the doers of the work that matters work to do better."

Participant, Dev Summit
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