• Co-creating + Collaboration

    We believe the ultimate potential and power of any convening lie in the collective untapped knowledge and experience of the participants, and we strive to tap that vast store by maximizing dialog, creativity and idea exchange.

Aspiration Services

Aspiration provides a range of services to build capacity and community around technology for social change.

We are unique in that we work to "facilitate the supply chain" of nonprofit and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) technology, striving to achieve shared language and shared understanding around technology and related dynamics across the full range of stakeholders:

  • We help Nonprofit and NGO Staff to make effective, sustainable and intentional use of technology, with a particular passion for empowering grassroots and other resource-constrained organizations (read more...);
  • We support Nonprofit and NGO Technology Decision Makers in the business processes of nonprofit technology, including technology planning, requests for proposals, proposal review, vendor selection, contracting and technology project management (read more...);
  • We collaborate with Nonprofit and NGO Technology Intermediaries (trainers, consultants, advisors supporting nonprofit tech) on capacity building efforts, business modeling, and resource development;
  • We advise Developers of free and open software tools and platforms on technology strategy, user engagement and product development, and community strategy, engagement and governance;
  • We advise foundations and other nonprofit and NGO technology funders on a range of technology-related matters including capacity building for grantees, review of proposals and opportunities, and organizational and leadership development.

And we design, facilitate and run unique and collaborative technology events in all corners of the nonprofit tech ecosystem.

We always welcome new friends, allies, and collaborators, and encourage you to get in touch and see how we might work together.

And if you happen to be in San Francisco, feel free to drop by the SF Nonprofit Tech Center for some strong coffee, free wifi and friendly company.

SF Nonprofit Technology Center

Our “home base” provides collaborative office and meeting space for nonprofits and trainers working with technology for social change in the Bay Area.

Visit the SFNTC website to learn more about upcoming trainings, brown bag lunches, and open forums. Also feel free to inquire about using the space for your meeting or training.  


"Total but cohesive anarchy."

Participant, Dev Summit
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