Fiscal Sponsorship Program

Aspiration's Fiscal Sponsorship Program provides a full and customizable slate of fiscal sponsorship services to mission-aligned technology, data, and digital rights projects. We focus on supporting efforts and emerging leaders centered on open and equitable approaches to community, governance, and intellectual property.

We also work with philanthropic funders and major donors seeking a fiscal agent to facilitate project funding.

Our sponsorship services feature full back-office financial and operations support, including HR, payroll and benefits administration, grants and donations management, contracts management, expense management and reimbursement; accounts payable and receivable, monthly financial reporting, along with dedicated bank accounts and credit cards. Our services are coupled with optional mentoring in business operations and nonprofit finance.

We also provide additional on-demand strategic support at no additional cost as part of our fiscal sponsorship program:

Our fiscal sponsorship rates are structured on a sliding scale, based on a number of factors including project resources, scope and types of support requested, amounts and types of funding to be administrated, as well as specific considerations associated with each project.

Our ultimate goal in sponsoring projects is to provide them with a strong, empowering platform and environment in which to develop desired organizational capacity, focus their strategy and activities, model sustainability, and maximize their long-term ability to achieve positive impact.

We work closely with each project we sponsor to understand their needs and tailor support to help them build toward their vision. We strive to be flexible and collaborative in all our fiscal sponsorship relationships. We focus from the earliest stages of each sponsorship engagement on establishing an environment and operating context that maximize the project’s ability to execute and succeed, and in turn to prepare for and enable a healthy diversity of future project directions and evolutions.

We approach our sponsorships as long-term partnerships, and support projects and leaders long after they have spun out or transitioned to different organizational contexts. We model our role as one of movement building and ecosystem development, and measure our success based on our projects' ultimate ability to stand on their own and contribute to broader justice, climate and human rights efforts.

If you are seeking or considering fiscal sponsorship, we are always up for a conversation to discuss your goals, needs and questions.

Feel free to reach out to us at

"Amazing facilitation, inspiring participants and open sharing of knowledge. It's always the highlight of my year."

Courtney Miller, Floatleft
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