Apr 24, 2012

Nonprofit Tech Teach-In with CTN

I had such a great time attending the Nonprofit Tech Teach-In at Google in San Francisco on April 19, 2012. Thanks to all the organizations that made the day so valuable and especially to Community Technology Network for organizing such a fantastic event!

During the afternoon, I had the opportunity to facilitate a small group discussion about Coordinating Online Communications Channels with several bay area nonprofits that are doing amazing work. Below are the training materials used during the day.

These materials are distributed under a Creative Commons license, and we encourage re-use, modification, and re-distribution in any situation where they may be useful.

Coordinating Your Nonprofit’s Cnline Channels


Join the California eAdvocacy Discuss List; an email list for those doing online advocacy. A space to collaborate, ask questions, discuss online strategy and connect with others.

Any feedback is much appreciated!

"This event and these people give a hope that good things can happen."

Participant, Dev Summit
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