Effective Email Newsletter Seminar Materials
The following materials are from the Effective Email Newsletters seminar on April 23, 2013. We hope you found the lunch hour to be useful and learned some tips to craft effective email newsletters.
The following materials are from the Effective Email Newsletters seminar on April 23, 2013. We hope you found the lunch hour to be useful and learned some tips to craft effective email newsletters.
Aspiration provides a range of eAdvocacy resources related to online communications and best practices in nonprofit technology.
The following materials are part of our Four Processes for Sustainable Online Impact trainings. The workshops teach essential strategies for getting the most out of various online channels as an organization.
Aspiration’s Online and San Francisco Tech Center Seminars
This Spring we are so pleased to hold space for nonprofits to come together for 1-hour, no-cost, lunchtime tech seminars and webinars. Every seminar and webinar is open to nonprofit staff to discuss organizational communications processes and strategies.
Every Thursday, Aspiration hosts open office hours open to nonprofit staff with technology questions from 12pm-1pm.
When? Every Thursday from Noon-1pm PST
Call In #
Phone number: 1-(605)-715-4920
Access code: 223-0433
No time to call?
Chat with us on SKYPE
SKYPE name: aspirationtech
email us at info@aspirationtech.org for any questions or comments you may have!
Looking forward to talking with you.
Aspiration's Online and SF Tech Center Seminars
This month we are pleased to hold space for nonprofits to come together for 1-hour, no-cost, lunchtime tech seminars and monthly webinars. Every seminar is open to nonprofit staff to discuss organizational communications processes and strategies.
Online Seminar:
We could not be more jazzed about the way we've been spending our days lately. Here at Aspiration we've been very pleased to embark on a whirlwind tour of our Bay Area.
Thanks to the generous support of the Mitchell Kapor Foundation we have had the opportunity over the past few weeks to engage with some great organizations in a listening tour.
"Politicized tech geek magic."