Aspiration eAdvocacy and Social Media Capacity Building Program

Aspiration has developed an eAdvocacy and social media capacity building program for grassroots nonprofits and we're offering trainings all over California and beyond!

Funded by California Consumer Protection Foundation and the ZeroDivide Foundation, the program seeks to demystify the fast-evolving world of online campaigning and social media by explaining how to integrate internet tools into existing organizational campaigns and programs.

The program has three distinct delivery components:

  • On-demand trainings, where we work with participants to teach concepts, strategy and best practices for advocating and campaigning online. Learn more...
  • A mentoring program, where organizations participate in year-long cohorts to build eadvocacy and social media capacity by planning and working toward concrete, measurable online communications goals. Learn more...
  • Interactive strategic planning events, where we use our unique Aspiration facilitation methodology to enable collaborative peer-driven learning. Learn more...

Aspiration publishes our entire library of training materials online. All materials are distributed under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5.

We welcome comments, suggestions and any other feedback. Please address all correspondence to

"It was my first Dev Summit, so I had no idea what to expect, but it was so worth it and I'm extremely happy I came."

Participant, Dev Summit
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