
News and Resources from the Community

RFP Coaching and Training

Over the past 5 years, we have worked with dozens of nonprofits and foundations on researching, specifying, and delivering a range of technology solutions, from basic web sites to larger software applications.

A critical component of any nonprofit technology project requiring the services of an implementation partner is the generation of a complete and accurate Request for Proposal (RFP) document that specifies exactly what the needed solution should do and support, and how the nonprofit desires to engage the implementor.

ZeroDivide Strategic eAdvocacy Trainings, Spring 2008 - Materials

Aspiration and Radical Designs enjoyed another California-wide road trip to offer one-day trainings on “eAdvocacy: Basics, Best Practices and New Tools.” Trainings were held in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. The trainings were offered to help members of the ZeroDivide community understand how to use email and the internet more effectively for advocacy, while also raising awareness about emerging technologies.

ZeroDivide Strategic eAdvocacy Trainings, Spring 2008

PLEASE NOTE: Trainings in San Francisco and Los Angeles are now fully enrolled. New registrants in those cities will be placed on the waiting list and notified the week of the trainings.

Aspiration and Radical Designs invite members of the ZeroDivide network in California to participate in our upcoming one-day trainings on “eAdvocacy: Basics, Best Practices and New Tools.” Trainings will be offered in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco in June 2008.


So many good folks + topics at the summit!! I love the community you have fostered x1B. I came out so energized. Met new folks who I now love, and reconnected with old folks who I hadn't seen in *years*. w00t w00t and triple w00t!

Zach Berke, Exygy
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